30thWW: Quiz night, awards and AGM
12/07/2024 at 18:30 until 21:30
Sankey Suite, Eagle Sports, WA5 2SZ

In place of the Wednesday / Friday night sectional meetings on 10th and 12th July, we invite our young members, along with their parents and siblings to a social evening celebrating the Group’s achievements over the past year. We also have a formal AGM to deliver, which has been streamlined to ensure we keep it as brief as possible.


18:30 Arrival and registration
19:00 Annual General Meeting (AGM) – see below
19:30 Award and badge presentations
20:00 Family quiz

We’ll be covering the past year’s activities, financial reports and introducing our new Trustees. Whilst the AGM is taking place, there’s a picture quiz for the younger ones to complete. After the AGM, we’ll highlight what’s been happening in the sections and present their remaining badges and awards. To close the evening we’re running a family quiz (all ages welcome!) so prepare for a friendly competition testing your general knowledge. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team.

To ensure there’s no charge for the event, we’re keeping it very simple and without catering, so you’ll need your tea before coming! Drinks and the usual snacks are available from the bar. It’s a great opportunity to connect and build friendships within the group. We look forward to seeing you there!
Note: If you have more than one child in the group, only include parent and sibling numbers on one child otherwise we’ll be double-counting.

AGM voting

  1. Group Constitution: 30th WWGC01 – Group Constitution v1.3.pdf
  2. Appointment of Trustees: https://forms.office.com/e/k6MNg8sd75
  3. AGM Agenda: 30th AGM 2024 Agenda
  4. Group Accounts 2023: Annual Report 2023.pdf
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